Dear Alleigh:
I noticed that you blog updates aren’t as frequent as they used to be. It looked like things were going well for your site. Have you decided to stop blogging?
No…I’m definitely still blogging!
Even though work slowed down, August was a crazy in the A Glass After Work household, and while none of it is blog or wine related, it’s meant that I just haven’t had a chance to blog. In fact, as you’ll see over the next couple of weeks, I’ve been drinking some great wine both at home and while Hubby and I were on vacation.
I know that you didn’t ask, but by way of explanation, as I alluded earlier in August, there have been some exciting things happening for me. And, as I don’t want to keep you in too much suspense…I’ve left my job in the U.S. Senate and today is actually my first day in the private sector. I’m still working on federal policy and legislation, so it’s not a career change, but it’s a big career move. Negotiating all of the logistics took longer than I expected, and the closing out my projects was time consuming, particularly since Hubby and I were on vacation the last week of August. Now that it’s all done with, though, my exciting adventure is underway. Hopefully, this also means my life will quickly find a new rhythm and I can get back to my regularly scheduled blogging.
So, thanks for checking and for having patience as I’ve gone silent. I promise, I’m not going anywhere. In fact, I’m back…invigorated…and ready to share what I tasted over the last month.
Thanks for emailing! Cheers!
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